Latest Improvements at The Buttonwood Inn
It's been a busy couple of weeks for Paula and I as we complete the addition of a new roof and thirteen new energy efficient windows on the West Wing of the Inn.
The roof is burgundy in color which is our dining room's theme color. The contrast with the clear blue sky really sets the old facade off nicely.
Once the roof was done and the windows arrived the job of removing the old windows, and storm windows took a few days but it's always best to take your time when removing both the outer and inner trim to preserve as much as possible for the installation.
We had extra insulation on-hand to make sure that the benefits gained form these multi-paned, vinyl clad windows wasn't lost on leaks around the perimeter of the windows.Even though the forest and mountains surrounding the Inn are very quiet we immediately noticed that the rooms were even quieter. The other benefit was that more light is now let in compared to the older windows. Another plus, the new windows are super-easy to clean both inside and out now and both Paula and I were amazed by how simple it is to remove the new windows totally from the frame, pop out the screens and, voila, gain easy access to the 2nd floor roof and front and side of the dormers! This is going to make cleaning and touch-up in the future a breeze!
On my next installment of this renovation project I'll let you know how we made out with the final exterior and interior trim patching, priming, and painting.
Please Join Us in The Heart of New Hampshire's White Mountains
Innkeepers: Bill and Paula Petrone
PO Box 1817
64 Mt. Surprise Rd.
North Conway, New Hampshire 03860-1817
Fax: 603-356-3140
Send us an E-mail!
Innkeepers: Bill and Paula Petrone
PO Box 1817


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